How Do Auto Body Shops Find Damage? Our Long Beach Body Shop Lets You Know
After a car accident the damage you see can be alarming. There's a reason why we call them 'fender benders'. From dents in the panels...

Do I need to get 3 estimates? Our Long Beach body shop can help.
So you've been in a car accident. If you're not at fault, the person that hit you might ask you to get a 2-3 estimates. It's very rare...

Car Hacks - Some That Work and Some That Don't from our Long Beach Auto Body Shop
In Long Beach and LA county we spend a lot of time in our cars. It's always helpful to find some tricks and tips to make life easier....

Don't Want a Traffic Ticket? Our Long Beach Auto Body Shop Has Some Tips.
We often talk about how to avoid an accident - which often leads to getting a traffic ticket. But what about simply not getting a ticket...

Hit and Run is No Fun. Advice From Our Long Beach Auto Body Shop.
Getting into a fender bender is not anyone's idea of a good time. A car accident becomes more problematic if you've hit a parked car or...

Safer Roads or More Auto Accidents? Our Long Beach Auto Body Shop Looks Into It.
With the Memorial Day long weekend around the corner, there are going to be a lot of people on the roads. We may think it`s safer to...

Cloudy, Faded Headlights? Our Long Beach Auto Body Shop Can Help
We repair all years, makes and models of cars. And we see lots of customers with cars with yellowy, cloudy headlights in our shop. We...

5 Great Convertibles for Summer! And We Repair at our Long Beach Auto Body Shop
It’s almost summertime again. And we’re seeing more convertibles in the shop for repair. It’s that time of year when you imagine yourself...

Some Ideas on Road Trip Readiness from our Long Beach Auto Body Shop
Cars are becoming more and more reliable but accidents and mishaps will happen sooner or later. And road-trip season is coming! You might...

De-clutter your car for spring. Tips from our Long Beach Auto Body Shop.
No one likes clutter, especially in the car. If there's so much junk in your car that it's dangerous or distracting it could even cause...