Do I need to get 3 estimates? Our Long Beach body shop can help.
So you've been in a car accident. If you're not at fault, the person that hit you might ask you to get a 2-3 estimates. It's very rare that insurance companies ask for multiple estimates anymore. Do you need to visit several shops for multiple estimates? The short answer is no.
Getting multiple estimates around Long Beach is surely not the best method to select the best auto body shop nor the best use of your time. And although most body shops are wonderful members of the business community, not all shops conduct themselves professionally.

Spending time getting estimates is time consuming to both the consumer and the repair professional and is a waste of gas.
An estimate before the vehicle is disassembled is only a preliminary estimate and won't be final. There are often hidden damages that are usually located where you can’t see until disassembly has been completed. So if you only get the money from the other party for the preliminary estimate, you could find yourself out of pocket.
So how to choose? As previously mentioned, most body shops are professional and ethical but you want to be sure! You should do your research and due diligence (i.e. check Yelp and Google, online, get personal referrals, tour the facility, ask local businesses in the auto field, obtain references etc.) before making a decision. We're confident that once you check us out online, ask about us or come and tour our shop you'll want to trust us with your vehicle.
At Craftsman Collision USA, the estimate after DFR (disassembly for repair) will be explained to you. We will be thorough and inform you of all the procedures necessary to properly and thoroughly restore the damaged vehicle to its pre-loss condition in safety, function, reliability and value to the best of human ability. We have the latest technology, are constantly upgrading our technician's skills, our factory certifications cover more than 80% of the cars on the road and our lifetime warranty is second to none.
Come on in for an estimate! You can book online or give us a call at 562-426-2639. We'll take it from there.