Most Common Accident Sites Shared By Long Beach Auto Body Shop.
Car accidents happen. You are very lucky if you've never had to visit an auto body shop. However, where you drive can raise your chances...

There’s a Team of Qualified Pros at our Long Beach Auto Body Shop
When you get into an accident, you want to make sure that your vehicle is in good hands. Whether it’s just a fender-bender or a big...

The Place You Can Trust for Certified Hyundai Collision Repair In Long Beach
If you are involved in an accident in your Hyundai, you want to make sure that you can get it repaired by people who know your vehicle...

You should get your dents and ding repairs at our Long Beach Auto Body Shop
That dent on the door of your car seems to be bothering you more and more. You wonder if you should get it fixed. It shouldn't be a big...

Tips on Using Your Mirrors from our Long Beach Collision Center
Are you using your rear view mirror only to check your hair, teeth or makeup? Then you'll likely wind up in our Auto Body Shop pretty...

Long Beach collision center offers tips on the best cars that make it to 200,000 Miles
We see plenty of these cars here in our auto body shop. In fact we've repaired hundreds of Toyota Prius and Camrys as an example. There's...

Distracted driver program may save a trip to our Long Beach Auto Body shop
A new driver on the road can be a danger and can mean a trip to the auto body shop. If you're a parent of a newly licensed driver or as a...

Buying Insurance? Advice from our Long Beach auto body shop
At Craftsman Collision USA we see many cases where customers aren't always covered for the things they thought they were. If you choose...

A Helpful Long Beach Collision Center
There’s never a great time to get into a car accident. Hopefully no one is hurt and it's simply a disruption to your day. Then you have...

What to expect when your car is repaired in Long Beach
We think collision repairs should be simple and straightforward. It's no fun being in a car accident and making an insurance claim so...