Long Beach collision center offers tips on the best cars that make it to 200,000 Miles
We see plenty of these cars here in our auto body shop. In fact we've repaired hundreds of Toyota Prius and Camrys as an example. There's a reason whey there are so many of these on the road and many of our customers keep them in great shape when they drop their cars off for collision repairs.
Anyone can keep a car that will make it to 200,000 miles with enough money. But these cars are safe and reliable in the first place and just need proper maintenance for the long haul. Just follow the maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual, take care of problems as they arise such as minor or even major collision repairs, keep it clean, and you should enjoy your car for years. It's the biggest or second biggest investment you'll make!
The models listed below are all safe bets. Of the 1.1 million vehicles represented Yahoo's annual subscriber survey, these are the ten cars, SUVs, and minivans respondents most often reported as having more than 200,000 miles. As a bonus, all happen to be models that were Consumer Reports recommended when new. That means they’re not just reliable, but they scored well in road tests.

Toyota Prius
Toyota Camry
Honda Odyssey
Honda Pilot
Toyota Corolla
Honda Accord sedan (4-cyl.)
Honda CR-V
Toyota Sienna
Toyota Highlander (V6)
Honda Civic (non-hybrid)

Another bonus of driving a car on this list, aside from being top-scorers in ratings and favorites in owner satisfaction surveys, is that parts are usually readily available for these cars. It's a rare occasion that we run into back ordered parts as a result of collision repairs. So you'll be happy to know that you'll experience a speedy repair if you're an owner of these vehicles.
Visit Craftsman Collision USA Body Shop, a respected collision center in Long Beach, today if you’ve been in an accident and need expert repair services. To get started, give us a call at 424-241-1050.